When Eye Floaters May be a Medical Emergency

Although eye floaters are very common and usually are not cause for alarm, there are some situations in which they may be a medical emergency.

New Research Promising for Treatment of Lazy Eye

An Ohio State professor has developed and tested a Pac-Man style video game to improve the vision of individuals with lazy eye and poor depth perception.

eye health

Eye Health Risks of Smoking

Eye Health Risks of Smoking

We’re all aware of the harmful effects that smoking can have on our bodies, but many people don’t realize the negative impact that smoking can have on our vision as well.

Nations of Nearsightedness

If you were planning on gifting the latest touchscreen gadget to a loved one, you might want to reconsider. As noted in a recent article in US News & World Report, there’s a major lifestyle switch that has occurred within the last 30 years, with both kids and adults spending more time indoors and doing close-up work with computer screens and phones.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Effect on Eyes

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA), you already know the importance of delegating small tasks that might cause you pain. But did you know that this inflammatory disease could also produce noticeable affects on your eyes?

Artificial Pupil May One Day Replace Reading Glasses

If you often find yourself reaching for your reading glasses to see the small print on labels or your medication, you might be interested in a new technology trying to make its way to the US market.