eye health

Sun Exposure to Eyes Can Cause Potential Damage

Some research indicates sun exposure has the potential for damage to the lens and retina of the eye. Aside from that, the white of the eye can be affected as well. The most common issues are pinguecula, pterygium and, more rarely, cancer.

Some research indicates sun exposure has the potential for damage to the lens and retina of the eye.

Aside from that, the white of the eye can be affected as well. The most common issues are pinguecula, pterygium and, more rarely, cancer.

Pinguecula may appear as a raised yellowish or grayish bump on the inner or outer side of the white of the eye. It may occasionally be irritated or dry out and make contact lens wear less comfortable. In and of themselves, they are not dangerous and we can treat the inflammation and drying effectively with topical eye drops. The only way to remove them is surgically, which is rarely necessary unless they become a concern cosmetically.

Pterygium is another benign growth on the inner and outer whites of the eye. They are vascularized growths that creep onto the colored portion of the eye. Pterygium may affect vision by inducing astigmatism or, if quite large, may even block vision directly. They also can be easily irritated and surgery is necessary to remove them.

Pinguecula and Pterygium are most common in people who spend a lot of time outdoors. Wearing good sunglasses with UVA, B and C protection is important to prevent them. If you develop a growth on your eye, make an appointment with your eye doctor.