
Study: Fruits & Veggies May Reduce Risk of Glaucoma

A recent study published findings that eating fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of glaucoma. The second leading cause of blindness in the world, glaucoma is a disease that damages the eye’s optic nerve.

A recent study published findings that eating fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of glaucoma. The second leading cause of blindness in the world, glaucoma is a disease that damages the eye’s optic nerve. It is caused by a buildup of fluid and pressure when a mesh-like canal within the eye becomes blocked or damaged.

Researchers found a connection between high consumption of fruits and vegetables, in particular leafy green vegetables and carrots, to lower rates of glaucoma. They also found that diets high in retinol, which is found in milk, liver, cheese and butter, could help people maintain healthy eyesight for longer in life.

Ophthalmologist Thomas Henderson, M.D. says, “It looks like Granny was right again when she told us to eat our vegetables, but it’s not as though we should need another reminder of the importance of proper nutrition to our health. After all, you are what you eat.”

Although more and more studies are coming out related to the benefits of a good diet and eye health, the most important thing to do for your eye health is schedule annual eye exams so an ophthalmologist can immediately address any issues.
