contact lenses

Single-use contact lenses reduce complications

Since being introduced in 1997, single-use disposable soft contact lenses have shown to greatly reduce complications from contamination, human error, and solution toxicity.

Since being introduced in 1997, single-use disposable soft contact lenses have shown to greatly reduce complications from contamination, human error, and solution toxicity. Instead of removing contacts every night and using cleaning solution, the wearer inserts a fresh, sterile lens every day directly from the manufacturer’s container.

Soft lenses comprise 90% of contacts prescribed today. They are comfortable, safe, and provide excellent vision. Still, soft lenses are not foolproof and can cause harm if misused. Extending wearing periods beyond the manufacturers recommendation or failing to clean them properly can cause discomfort and greatly increases the risk of infection. One of the more common causes of corneal infection is sleeping in lenses not designed for overnight wear. Single-use lenses provide an effective solution for those who tend to misuse their contact lenses. They also eliminate the need for expensive cleaning solutions.

Optometrist Melanie Prosise, O.D. explains, “In 13 years of practice, I have seen one case of contact lens complications in a patient wearing single use daily disposables. In addition, no other type of lens can compete with their ease of use. This is why I prefer them over all other contact lens modalities.”

To determine if single-use disposable lenses may be right for you, schedule an eye exam and contact lens fitting with your optometrist today.