Women’s Eye Health & Safety Month

Prevent Blindness America named April Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month and for good reason. Did you know that more women suffer from eye health issues than men?

New Study Shows Regular Exercise May Improve Eye Health

A new study has found that individuals who exercise three or more times a week have a 58 percent decrease in becoming visually impaired compared to sedentary people.

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month

Prevent Blindness has declared March Workplace Eye Wellness Month. A recent Vision Council study found that almost 70% of American adults experience some form of digital eye strain.

Preventative treatment is key for aging adults

Baby Boomers are reaching the age where plans for retirement in tropical locations might be in sight, but will they be able to see paradise when they get there?

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Resolutions are usually on the top of everyone’s list come this time of year, but how many of you have included an annual eye exam on this list of things to accomplish?