Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia have found Viagra may have long-lasting adverse affects on the vision of some users.
Researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia have found Viagra may have long-lasting adverse affects on the vision of some users.
With the recent passing of comedian and Academy Award winner Robin Williams, the conversation of combating depression and its effects is as relevant as ever. While the cause of his troubles may not have been because of age-related macular degeneration, the desire to identify and treat clinical depression remains.
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and are so common later in life that it’s basically considered part of the aging process.
Cataract surgery is one of the most prevalent surgeries performed in the U.S. with over three million completed each year. Most people understand the importance of cataract removal, but many don’t know what happens after the surgery.
As people age, eye exams become even more important to ensure no underlying eye diseases are present. A recent study has shown that eye exams may also be important in detecting other non eye-related issues, such as stroke risk.
As the second-leading cause of blindness worldwide, glaucoma is caused by increased pressure within the eye and typically causes no pain or symptoms in the first stages of the disease.