With sports accounting for more than 40% of all eye injuries per year, Eye Clinic of Austin wants to bring attention to the importance of using proper eye protection. It’s estimated that 100,000 people suffer from sports-related eye injuries each year and over 13,000 of these injuries result in permanent vision loss.
Category: eye care
Shingles and Your Eyesight

The Shingles vaccine is now recommended for everyone over 50 and it could save your eyesight. The majority of adults who get shingles are otherwise healthy and shingles that affects the eye usually occurs weeks after the initial onset of the disease.

A new study shows that while men are more likely than women to have sports-related eye trauma, the type of sport where injuries occur differs between sexes.

Convergence insufficiency (also called convergence disorder) is a fairly common near vision issue characterized by the eyes’ reduced ability to turn towards each other, or sustain convergence. The disorder often causes double vision or blurred vision making reading or focusing on near objects difficult.

Protecting children from concussions and ensuring no child is being put back into a game with a concussion continues to be an important issue for parents and schools alike.
Eye Care Tips for College Students

Summer is coming to a close and many recently graduated high school students will be moving away to attend college in just a few weeks. Whether moving to another state for school or just down the road at a local university, students should pay special attention to these eye care tips.