eye exams

An Eye Exam for Overall Health

As the season gets colder, you might think it’s a no brainer to head to the doctor for your annual flu shot or checkup. But, did you ever consider that heading to the ophthalmologist might also be a step in preventing a health problem?

As the season gets colder, you might think it’s a no brainer to head to the doctor for your annual flu shot or checkup. But, did you ever consider that heading to the ophthalmologist might also be a step in preventing a health problem? More than 30 medical conditions show symptoms through the eye, including diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Because the eye is such a clear window to your overall health, eye doctors are frequently among the first to spot problems.

A recent study completed by insurance company VSP Vision Care found that “an eye exam was the first indicator of 34% of diabetes cases, 39% of cases of high blood pressure, and 62% of cases of high cholesterol.” Even a small abnormality could have a large implication in terms of eye health – below are a few symptoms to be aware of.

Red spots, caused by dots of blood in the eye can be a sign of diabetes and if left untreated, can lead to impaired vision or eventual blindness. Pinkeye and fungal infections will cause bloodshot eyes while red, swollen, itchy eyes are a tell tale sign of allergies. Excessive computer use and some medications like sleeping pills and pain relievers will leave patients with dry eyes. High cholesterol can frequently cause white rings around the eye and yellowish bumps in the eyelids.

With so many diseases that can potentially be treated before they cause a problem, it’s no wonder scheduling regular eye exams is so important.
