Ralphie from “A Christmas Story” was disappointed he didn’t get a toy bb gun because he’d shoot his eye out, but now blue laser toys are the concern for serious eye injuries.
Ralphie from “A Christmas Story” was disappointed he didn’t get a toy bb gun because he’d shoot his eye out, but now blue laser toys are the concern for serious eye injuries.
A red, inflamed eyelid could be caused by an infection at the root of the eyelashes – that is a stye. More commonly though, a red, swollen eyelid is caused by an infection of the oil gland in the cartilage plate that reinforces the back of the eyelid. This is called a chalazion.
The three most common explanations for seeing flashes of light include: 1. An ocular migraine. 2. A problem with the retina such as a tear or detachment. 3. A separation of the jelly-like fluid away from the retina called a Vitreous Detachment. Most ocular migraines involve seeing a shimmering pattern from both eyes. This will […]